
The aim of the GDR `Quantum Dynamics' is to structure at the national level the community of researchers working on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of quantum mechanics and general relativity. This conference will be both the annual meeting of the GDR and the final event organized by the ANR `Mathematical methods for the N-body problem in statistical and quantum mechanics'. This is why the meeting will last 8 half days, like the previous GDR meeting in Nantes, instead of the more usual 6 half days. There will be a three-hour lecture by Jan Philip Solovej on a topic related to the ANR, in addition to the one-hour and half-an-hour talks on the different research fields of the GDR.

Organizers : Dietrich Häfner, Frédéric Hérau, Alain Joye, Stéphane Nonnenmacher, Nicolas Rougerie, Dominique Spehner

Local organizers : Dietrich Häfner, Nicolas Rougerie, Dominique Spehner

The conference will take place at the maison Jean Kunzmann in the campus of Saint Martin d'Hères, which is easy to access by tram line B from the center of Grenoble. It will begin on Monday 1st of February at 2pm and end on Friday 5th at approximatively midday.

There will be no conference fees. The meals (buffet) at midday and the conference dinner on Thursday are offered.

We hope to be able to provide financial support for covering part of the travel and lodging expenses of a very limited number of participants. This will be restricted to young scientists (PhD students or post-doc) which do not find other funds. Please contact the organizers.


List of speakers :

Short lecture:

Jan Philip Solovej (Department of Mathematics, Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark)


Alain Bachelot (Institut de Mathématiques, Univ. Bordeaux)

Tristan Benoist (LPT, Univ. Toulouse)

Yannick Bonthonneau (DMA, ENS Paris)

Yvan Castin (LKB, ENS Paris)

Julien Cortier (Institut Fourier, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Sébastien Dutercq (Laboratoire MAPMO, Univ. Orléans)

Sari Ghanem (Institut Fourier, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

David Gontier (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

François Huveneers (CEREMADE, Univ. Paris-Dauphine)

Anna Minguzzi (LPMMC, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

Marcin Napiórkowski (IST, Austria)

Ion Nechita (LPT, Univ. Toulouse)

Thomas Ourmières-Bonafos (BCAM Bilbao, Spain)

Virgile Robbe (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray, Univ. Nantes)

Boris Pawilowski (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes)

Claude-Alain Pillet (CPT, Univ. Toulon)

Chiara Saffirio (Institut für Mathematik, Univ. Zürich, Switzerland)

Benjamin Schlein (Institut für Mathematik, Univ. Zürich, Switzerland)

Martin Vogel (Département de Mathématiques, Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay)

André Voros (IPhT, CEA Saclay)

San Vũ Ngọc (IRMAR, Univ. Rennes)

Simone Warzel (Fakultät für Mathematik, Technische Univ. München, Germany)

Tobias Weich (Institut für Mathematik, Univ. Paderborn, Germany)



Photo credit : Bastien M. - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/

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